
End-of-Year Advice from My Health and Wellness Keynote on Guam: Be Social, Relax and Laugh!

End-of-Year Advice from My Health and Wellness Keynote on Guam: Be Social, Relax and Laugh!

… laughter is the best medicine … for its social benefits and its ability to help people relax and unwind from life’s stressors.
I applaud TakeCare’s inclusion of social interaction as a component of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Indeed, social interaction has been shown to be healthy (as long as people aren’t passing around the flu virus during their interactions!) People who are socially isolated tend to get sick more often and have worse mental health problems than people with good social networks. They take longer to recover from illness, too, and they die younger at a rate far greater than those who have strong social support.
And what is more social than laughter?!? …